Sudan is referred to as the “forgotten crisis” due to the extremely low level of media coverage, the limited humanitarian response, and the disproportionate funding relative to the severity. We are regrettably used to reading about conflict - in Gaza and in Ukraine. This conflict is one characterised by the attempt at the “erasure of a people”, the marginalisation of women and the perpetuation of widespread violence against them. We hope this report can provide opportunities for our supportive community to make a positive contribution amid the devastation.
The report combines evidence from teams on the ground, internal research, and conversations with representatives from our charity partners and contacts to give a broader insight into how engaged philanthropists and purpose-led businesses can help address this massive humanitarian crisis.
As part of Benesys' mission to deliver sustainable support to exceptional charities and to identify underserved causes for our clients, we often develop Impact Spotlight Reports in response to dramatic events or humanitarian, social, and natural disasters locally and around the world. We share these with our clients and broader network, who may be moved to support but unsure where and how.
Please do feel free to share this with anyone you think might be interested in learning more about the crisis or, of course, supporting one of the charities. If you do donate and would like to be kept up to date with a follow-up Impact Report, please do let us know.
Thank you to Rebecca Weston from Action Against Hunger UK, Raakhi Shah from The Circle NGO and Sofeena Lalani and Sara Whitehead from UK for UNHCR for their support in providing the most up-to-date evidence.
(Content Warning: Please note that this report contains mentions of sexual violence that may be distressing to readers)