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Benesys Team

A Mountain of Impact II

For a second year in a row, Benesys had the pleasure of working with the Everest in the Alps Team to produce a 2024 Impact Report, highlighting the exceptional work they do in fighting paediatric brain cancers.

Once again, we are struck by this example of exceptional corporate impact - that is sustainable, global and pioneering in its scope.

We hope you enjoy reading about the Seventh Ascent and share in our amazement and respect for all of those crazy enough to ski the height of Everest to raise funds for children with brain cancer!

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As part of Benesys' mission to deliver sustainable support to exceptional charities and to identify underserved causes for our clients, we often develop Impact Spotlight Reports in response to dramatic events or humanitarian, social, and natural disasters locally and around the world. We share these with our clients and broader network, who may be moved to support but unsure where and how.

We also publish a quartly Newsletter, sharing share some highlights and insights from recent events.

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